無線電技術學士、電路與系統(tǒng)碩士、電子工程博士, 北京大學教授/博士生導師,北京大學信息工程學院副院長,深圳寬帶無線網絡安全技術工程實驗室主任,深圳云計算產業(yè)協會副會長,深圳市精準醫(yī)療學會副理事長。IEEE高級會員、中國電子學Fellow、國際標準組織ISO/IEC/SC6 專家組成員,中國寬帶無線IP標準工作組標準專家組成員,教育部-未來互聯網/專家委員會委員、中國大數據專家委員會委員、教育部學位與研究生教育審議專家。曾獲廣東省高校科技進步一等獎,廣東省自然科學三等獎,“深圳市雙百計劃”領軍人才,連續(xù)9年獲工信部寬帶無線IP標準工作組標準突出貢獻獎,北京大學優(yōu)秀班主任獎,北京大學優(yōu)秀德育工作者, 北京大學深圳研究生院優(yōu)秀教師獎,北京大學深圳研究生院優(yōu)秀科研獎。在重要國際期刊和國際會議上發(fā)表論文總數150 多篇,包括音視頻圖像處理及通信領域重要期刊及會議TCSVT、CVPR、ICIP、ICASSP。授權美國專利4項, 授權/申報國家發(fā)明專利5項, 國際PCT專利1項。主要研究方向包括大數據特征分析及安全技術;智能安全技術;信息脫敏與隱私保護技術;離線智能分析與在線快速判決,以及寬帶網絡通信與信息安全。
1. 數據科學與智能計算;
3. 面向機器人的集成柔性多物理量傳感器陣列及信號處理關鍵技術研究;
4. 智慧城市規(guī)劃與關鍵技術研究。
近年團隊發(fā)表的文章(2008 以來):
1. Guibo Luo, Yuesheng Zhu, “Hole Filling with Depth-Guided Global Optimization for View Synthesis”, IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 32874 – 32889, Jun. 2018. (SCI)
2. Guibo Luo, Yuesheng Zhu, Biao Guo, “Fast MRF-based Hole Filling for View Synthesis”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 25, no. 1, Jan. 2018. (SCI)
3. Yuesheng Zhu, Yifeng Jiang, Zhuandi Huang, Guibo Luo, “SuperDepthTransfer: Depth Extraction from Image Using Instance-Based Learning with Superpixels”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 4968-4986, Jul. 2017. (SCI)
4. Zhaotian Li, Yuesheng Zhu, Guibo Luo, Biao Guo, “A New Copyright Protection Scheme for Depth Map in 3D Video”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 3558-3577, Jul. 2017. (SCI)
5. Guibo Luo, Yuesheng Zhu, “Foreground Removal Approach for Hole Filling in 3D Video and FVV Synthesis”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 27, pp. 2118 - 2131, Oct, 2017. (SCI)
6. Biao Guo, Yuesheng Zhu, Guibo Luo, Xiaorong Zuo, "A Dynamic Survival Detection and Analysis System for Mosquito Larvae Viability in Drug Assays," Journal of Laboratory Automation, 2017. (SCI)
7. Ziqiang Sun, Yuesheng Zhu and Xiyao Liu, “A Novel 3D Video Fingerprinting Algorithm Based on Local Feature Points”, Chinese Journal of Electronics (accepted for publication), 2017. (SCI)
8. Ming Zhang, Chen Su, Yuan Liu, Mingyuan Hu and Yuesheng Zhu. "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Route Planning in the Presence of a Threat Environment Based on a Virtual Globe Platform." ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5.10 (2016). (SCI)
9. Zhenyu Weng, Ziqiang Sun, Yuesheng Zhu, "Asymmetric hashing with multi-bit quantization for image retrieval", Neurocomputing, 2016. (SCI)
10. Zhen Liu, Yuesheng Zhu, Yi Fan and Xingmei Xing, "A Novel Approach to Image Authentication with Tamper Localization and Self-recovery," Journal of Computers (accepted for publication), 2016. (EI)
11. Lifei Zhan, Yuesheng Zhu, and Zhiwei Mo, "An Image Splicing Detection Method Based on PCA Minimum Eigenvalues," Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2016.(EI)
12. Yujia Ma, Yuesheng Zhu, Xiyao Liu, "A Novel Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases Protection Based on Histogram Shifting," Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 0517, Dec, 30, 2015. (EI)
13. Yi Fan, Yuesheng Zhu and Zhen Liu, "An Improved SIFT-Based Copy-move Forgery Detection Method Using T-Linkage and Multi-Scale Analysis," Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 0531. Dec, 30, 2015.(EI)
14. Liang Dai, Yuesheng Zhu, Guibo Luo, Chao He, and Hanchi Lin, "A Real-Time Visual Tracking Approach Using Sparse Autoencoder and Extreme Learning Machine", Unmanned Systems, 3(04), 2015, pp.267-275.
15. Xiaomei Xing, Yuesheng Zhu, Zhiwei Mo, Ziqiang Sun and Zhen Liu, "A Novel Perceptual Hashing for Color Images Using a Full Quaternion Representation," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems,Vol. 9, NO. 12,pp. 5058-5071,2015(SCI)
16. Ziqiang Sun, Yuesheng Zhu, Xiaomei Xing, Guibo Luo, Xiyao Liu. "A near-duplicate 3D video detection algorithm by using hypercomplex representations," Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015: 1-17. ( SCI)
17. Qing Zhang, Yuesheng Zhu, SongtaoWu, Guibo Luo and Liming Zhang “A robust tracking method with adaptive local spatial sparse representation,” Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,2015. (SCI)
18. Xiyao Liu, Yu Ge, Yuesheng Zhu and Dajun Wu,“A Lightweight Integrity Authentication Scheme based on Reversible Watermark for Wireless Body Area Networks,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) Vol.8 No.12, 2014.12, 4643-4660. (SCI).
19. Xiyao Liu, Yuesheng Zhu, Ziqiang Sun, Mengge Diao, Liming Zhang, “A novel robust video fingerprinting-watermarking hybrid scheme based on visual secret sharing,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, May 2014. (SCI)
20. Xiangyu Gao, Yuesheng Zhu, and Li Ping, “Analysis of Minimum Transmit Sum Power and Scheduling Power Gain for Multi-user MIMO-OFDM Networks with Rate Constraints," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 23 OCT 2014,wcm.2548. (SCI).
21. Xiangyu Gao, and YueshengZhu, "Multiuser Binary Rate Scheduling for Fading OFDM Networks with User Fairness Constraints," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 7, 2014.(EI)
22. Yuesheng Zhu, Limin Ma, Jinjiang Zhang, “An Enhanced Kerberos Protocol with Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof,” Security and Communication Networks, June 2014. (SCI)
23. Limin Ma, Yuesheng Zhu, “An Enhanced Kerberos Protocol Based on One-Time Password,” ICIC Express Letters, vol.8, no.9, pp.2497-2502, Sep.2014. (EI)
24. Limin Ma, Yu Ge, Yuesheng Zhu, “TinyZKP: A Lightweight Authentication Scheme Based on Zero-Knowledge Proof for Wireless Body Area Networks,” Wireless Personal Communications, published online, Dec.2013. (SCI)
25. Fengyong Qian, Shuhung Leung, Ruikai Mai, and Yuesheng Zhu, “Statistical Transceiver Designs with ICI Reduction for MIMO-OFDM Systems”, Wireless Personal Communications, , Volume 71, Issue 2, pp 821-837,July 2013.(SCI)
26. Liwei Zhang, Yuesheng Zhu, Lai-man Po,”A Fast Watermarking Algorithm with Low Complexity Error Compensation in H.264/AVC Bit-stream”, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis,,vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 227-233, 2013. (EI).
27. Xianqin Luo, Yuesheng Zhu, Yuqing Zhong, Yi Qin. “An Effective and Reliable Power Data Transmission Scheme Based on Smart Antenna WLAN Technology”, Journal of Clean Energy Technologies. vol.1, no. 4, pp.327-330, July 2013.
28. Xiangyu Gao, Yuesheng Zhu, “On the Asymptotic Optimality of Fixed Rate Scheduling in Fading Multiuser Wideband OFDM Networks”, IEICE TRANS. COMMUN., VOL.E96–B, NO.2, pp.632-634., FEBRUARY 2013. (SCI)
29. Ziqiang Sun, Yuesheng Zhu, Xiyao Liu and Liming Zhang, “A Robust Video Fingerprinting Algorithm Based on Centroid of Spatio-temporal Gradient Orientations”, KSII Transactions On Internet And Information Systems VOL. 7, NO. 11, Nov. 2013 pp. 2754-2768. (SCI)
30. Fengyong Qian, Shuhung Leung, Yuesheng Zhu, Waiki Wong, Derek Pao, Winghong Lau, “Damped sinusoidal signals parameter estimation in frequency domain”, Signal Processing, Vol. 92, Issue 2, Feb 2012, pp.381-391. (SCI)
31. Lin Zhang, Zhen Luo, Shuhung Leung, and Yuesheng Zhu, “Simplified Precoder Design for MIMO Systems with Receive Correlation in Ricean Channels,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 263-266, 2012, (SCI).
32. Lin Zhang and Yuesheng Zhu, “Precoder Design in the Presence of Spatial Correlation for Macrocell Environments,” IEEE Communication Letters, pp.1010-1013, 2012, (SCI).
33. Fengyong Qian, Ruikai Mai and Yuesheng Zhu, “Non-Unitary Precoder Design for Reducing Feedback Overhead in MIMO-OFDM Systems,” AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 66, Issue 12, December 2012, Pages 1017–1020, 2012, (SCI).
34. Hongyuan Chen, Yuesheng Zhu,“ A robust watermarking algorithm based on QR factorization and DCT using QIM technique“, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C (Computers & Electronics), pp. 573-584, 2012(SCI).
35. Songtao Wu, Yuesheng Zhu and Qing Zhang,"A New Robust Visual Tracking Algorithm based on Transfer Adaptive Boosting", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol 35, Issue 17, pp. 2133–2140, 2012. (SCI) .
36. Hongyuan Chen, Yuesheng Zhu,“An Effective Stereo Image Coding Method with Reversible Watermarking”,Journal of Computational Information Systems,8: 7 (2012) 2761–2768, 2012,(EI).
37. Fengyong Qian, Ruikai Mai, Yuesheng Zhu, and Hui Li, “A Selective Linear Transceiver Design Over Correlated Large-MIMO Channels,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 26, pp. 259-273, 2012. (EI).
38. Fengyong Qian, Ruikai Mai, Shuhung Leung, Yuesheng Zhu, “A Greedy Algorithm Based Power Control Technique for MIMO Systems with Maximum Likelihood Receiver”, Electronics Letters, 2012, Vol. 48 No. 15, July 2012. (SCI).
39. Hongyuan Chen and Yuesheng Zhu, “A robust video watermarking algorithm based on singular value decomposition and slope-based embedding technique”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Nov,2012. (SCI).
40. Weijing Huo, Yuesheng Zhu, Hongyuan Chen, “A Controllable Error-drift Elimination Scheme for Watermarking Algorithm in H.264/AVC Stream”, IEEE Signal Processing letters, VOL. 18, NO. 14, SEP 2011,pp.535-538, (SCI).
41. Lin Zhang, Yuesheng Zhu, “Joint angle-delay estimation based on smoothed maximum-likelihood algorithm”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEMWA) Progress in Electromagnetic Research, Vol. 21, pp13-31, 2011(EI).
42. Haojun Li, Yuesheng Zhu, “A New Approach of 2D-to-3D Video Conversion and Its Implementation on Embedded System”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 58-60 (2011) pp 2552-2557, 2011(EI).
43. Yating Wu, Shuhung Leung, Waiki Wong, Yuesheng Zhu, “A constrained minimum mean square error code tracking loop for synchronous DS-CDMA systems”, AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 64, pp.558–569, 2010(SCI).
44. Wei Ren, Sameer Singh and, Maneesha Singh, Yuesheng Zhu, “State-of-the-art on spatio-temporal information-based video retrieval,” Pattern Recognition, 42, pp.267-282, 2009, (SCI).
45. Yating Wu, Waiki Wong, Shuhung Leung, Yuesheng Zhu, “Performance analysis of a de-correlated modified code tracking loop for synchronous DS-CDMA system under multiuser environment”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E92-B, no. 6, pp. 1991-1999, Jun. 2009.(SCI)
46. 陳晟,梁樹雄,朱躍生,“用于無線快衰落信道的快速自適應估計新算法”, 通信學報,第30卷 第10期, pp.96-99,2009(EI).
47. Waiki Wong, Yating Wu, Shuhung Leung, Yuesheng Zhu, “A modified de-correlated delay lock loop for synchronous DS-CDMA systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 3293-3299, Sep. 2008(SCI).
48. Yang Li, Wenyu Zhou, Guiwen Lv, Guibo Luo, Yuesheng Zhu, Ji Liu, “Classification of Bone Tumor on CT Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network”, accept for publication in International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), 2018.
49. Jingbo Fan, Chuanchuan Chen, Yuesheng Zhu,“Deep Discriminative Quantization Hashing for Image Retrieval”, accepted for publication Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM),2018.
50. Chuanchuan Chen,Jingbo Fan,Yuesheng Zhu,Guibo Luo,“Partially Separated Networks for Person Search”, accepted for publication Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM),2018.
51. Li Zhong, Yuesheng Zhu, Guibo Luo, “A New Sparse Subspace Clustering by Rotated Orthogonal Matching Pursuit”, accept for publication in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2018. (EI)
52. Cuicui Guo, Guibo Luo, Yuesheng Zhu,“A Detection Method for Facial Expression Reenacted Forgery in Videos”, International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP), 2018. (EI)
53. Lei Hao, Daiyin Wang and Yuesheng Zhu, “Learning Biased Distance Metric with Diversity Regularizer for Person Re-identification”, IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2017. (EI)
54. Daiyin Wang, Lei Hao and Yuesheng Zhu, “An Aligned Bidirectional Feature Representation for Person Re-identification, IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2017. (EI)
55. Yinhe Lan, Zhenyu Weng and Yuesheng Zhu, “A New Spherical Hashing Method in a Low-Dimensional Isotropic Space”, IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2017.
56. Qiqi Yao, Guibo Luo and Yuesheng Zhu. "Depth Estimation for Outdoor Image Using Coupled Dictionary Learning and Region Detection." IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2017.
57. Yinhe Lan, Zhenyu Weng and Yuesheng Zhu. “Center-adaptive Weighted Binary K-means for Image Clustering”, The Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), 2017.
58. Daiyin Wang, Wenbin Yao, and Yuesheng Zhu. “Saliency-Based Foreground Extraction For Person Re-Identification”, The Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), 2017.
59. Lei Hao, Wenbin Yao, Chao Pei and Yuesheng Zhu. “Integrated Metric Learning with Adaptive Constraints for Person Re-Identification”, IEEE International Conference on Image Pprocessing (ICIP), 2017.(EI)
60. Chao Pei, Lei Hao, and Yuesheng Zhu, “Pedestrian Detection With Dynamic Iterative Bootstrapping” , IEEE International Conference on Image Pprocessing (ICIP), 2017. (EI)
61. Yifeng Jiang, Yuesheng Zhu, Yin Qing and Fan Yang. Depth Estimation from Multi-scale SLIC Superpixels Using Non-parametric Learning, The 9th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, Hong Kong, 2017. (EI) (Outstanding Presentation Award)
62. Fan Yang, Yuesheng Zhu, Yifeng Jiang and Yin Qing. A Text Zero-watermarking Method Based on Keyword Dense Interval, The 9th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, Hong Kong, 2017. (EI)
63. Yin Qing, Yuesheng Zhu, Fan Yang and Yifeng Jiang. A High Capacity Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Relational Databases Based on Mapping Difference Expansion, The 9th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, Hong Kong, 2017. (EI)
64. Zhaotian Li, Yuesheng Zhu, Guibo Luo. “Robust Unseen Visible Watermarking for Depth Map Protection in 3D Video”. The Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2017. (EI)
65. Chen Su,Yuesheng Zhu,"Using Personal Information to Aid in Guessing Passwords of Chinese Webs",IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC),2017.(EI)
66. Yang, Fan, YueSheng Zhu, and YuJia Ma. "WS-Rank: Bringing Sentences into Graph for Keyword Extraction." Asia-Pacific Web Conference, 2016. (EI)
67. Guibo Luo, Yuesheng Zhu, Zhaotian Li and Liming Zhang, “A Hole Filling Approach based on Background Reconstruction for View Synthesis in 3D Video”, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016.
68. Wenbin Yao, Zhenyu Weng, Yuesheng Zhu, “Diversity Regularized Metric Learning for Person Re-identification”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2016. (EI).
69. Zhenyu Weng, Wenbin Yao, Ziqiang Sun, Yuesheng Zhu, “Asymmetric distance for spherical hashing”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2016. (EI).
70. Zhen Liu, Yuesheng Zhu, Yi Fan, Ziqiang Sun and Hanchi Lin, "A SIFT-Based Robust Watermark- ing Scheme in DWT-SVD Domain Using Majority Voting Mechanism," in the 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2016. (EI).
71. Zhen Liu, Yuesheng Zhu, Yi Fan and Hanchi. Lin, "A New Robust Multiple Description Coding Method for Image Based on Block Compressed Sensing," in the 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2016. (EI).
72. Hanchi Lin, Yuesheng Zhu, Guibo Luo, “A robust visual tracking method with Restricted Boltzmann Machines based classifier," in the 8th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2016. (EI).
73. Lifei Zhan, Yuesheng Zhu, "Passive Forensics for Image Splicing Based on PCA Noise Estimation," The 10th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), ID-23, Dec 14, 2015. (EI).
74. Xiangyu Gao and Yuesheng Zhu, “A Numerical Study of Power Efficiency Gain for MIMO-OFDM Networks," in 14th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Xi’an, China, pp.119-123, 2014. (EI)
75. Cheng Cai, Yuesheng Zhu, Bojun Wang, “A Novel Mutual Authentication Scheme For Smart Card Without Information Leakage,” in 17th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Chengdu, 2014(EI).
76. Yuesheng Zhu, Bojun Wang, Cheng Cai, “A Novel Mutual Authentication Schemefor Smart Cards Using Proactive Secret Sharing,” 6th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies, Melaka, Malaysia, 2015. (EI)
77. Zhigang Xu, Yuesheng Zhu, Ziqiang Sun, and Zhen Liu. “A Novel Iterative Algorithm to Text Segmentation for Web Born-digital Images,” International conference on digital image processing, 2015. (EI).
78. Liang Dai, Yuesheng Zhu, Guibo Luo, and Chao He, "A Low-complexity Visual Tracking Approach with Single Hidden Layer Neural Networks," In the 13th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Singapore, 2014.
79. Yang Guan, Yuesheng Zhu, Xiyao Liu, Guibo Luo, Ziqiang Sun, and Liming Zhang,''A Digital Blind Watermarking Scheme Based on Quantization Index Modulation in Depth Map for 3D Video," In the 13th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Singapore, 2014.
80. Peiwen Liu, Yuesheng Zhu, “An Adaptive Cast Shadow Detection With Combined Texture and Color Models”, Proc of 5th International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology (ICIMT 2013), Dec 7, Sydney, Australia, pp. pp.113-118, 2013.
81. Zhenming Nong, Yuesheng Zhu, and Hao Lai, “A Rapid Pretreatment Method For Object Detection in Dynamic Scenes”, Proc of 5th International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology (ICIMT 2013), Dec 7, Sydney, Australia, pp. pp.119-123, 2013.
82. Hao Lai, Yuesheng Zhu, Zhenming Nong, “An Improved Background Subtraction Approach in Target Detection and Tracking”, Proc of the 6th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2013), London, UK, SPIE Paper Number MV205-85.
83. Mengge Diao, Yuesheng Zhu, Ziqiang Sun, Xiyao Liu, Limin Zhang “An Improved Fingerprint Algorithm of 3D-DCT for Video Fingerprinting”, Proc of 8th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2013), Trieste, Italy, pp.283-288, September 4-6, 2013.
84. Yuesheng Zhu, Deke Yu. “An Improved Hybrid SAT Solver for Bounded Model Checking in Circuit Design”. 2013 International Conference on Computer, Networks and Communication Engineering, 2013.
85. Yuesheng Zhu, Chao Wang, Huabing Zhang, “An Instant Security Early Warning System Based on Mobile Push Technology”, 2013 International Conference on Computer, Networks and Communication Engineering, 2013.
86. Huabing Zhang, Guibo Luo, and Yuesheng Zhu, “A Novel System Architecture for Mobile Campus Information Push Systems,” 2013 International Conference on Information Technology and Science (ICITS 2013), Bali, Indonesia, Lecture Notes on Information Theory, Vol.1, No.1, 2013, pp.64-68.
87. Xianqin Luo, Yuesheng Zhu, Yuqing Zhong, Yi Qin. “An Effective and Reliable Power Data Transmission Scheme Based on Smart Antenna WLAN Technology”, Journal of Clean Energy Technologies. vol.1, no. 4, pp.327-330, July 2013.
88. Guibo Luo, Yuesheng Zhu, and Qing Zhang. “Rapid Visual Tracking with Modified On-Line Boosting and Template Matching”. Proceedings of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) International Conference, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications February 12–14, 2013. pp.439-443.
89. Zhenguo Lu,Yuesheng Zhu,Jian Chen, “A Novel Filling Dis-occlusion Method based on Background Extraction in Depth-Image-Based-Rendering”, Latest Trends in Applied Informatics and Computing,pp.65-70, Spain, 2012.
90. Yingwei Yan, Yuesheng Zhu, “A Low Cost Algorithm for Fast Inteligent Content Delivery on Hadoop”, proc. of 2012 Third International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (ICTMF 2012), Indonesia, 2012.
91. Zhao Hu and Yuesheng Zhu, “An Improved and Implemented Kerberos Protocol Based on Diffie-Hellman-DSA Key Exchange”, IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON), Singapore, 2012.
92. Weiwei Wang, Yuesheng Zhu, “A Fast Depth-Map Generation Algorithm based on Motion Search from 2D Video Contents”, The Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2012), China, 2012.
93. Ruikai Mai, Fengyong Qian, Yuesheng Zhu, and Hui Li,, “On Performance Analysis of SLNR-based Multistream Transceiver in Multiuser MIMO Downlink Channels,” accepted for publication in the 32nd Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Moscow, Russia, 2012.
94. Huiya Zhu, Yuesheng Zhu, “A Kerberos-based UPnP Extension for Secure and Efficient Home Networks”, The 4th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET, Page: 104-108,Thailand, 2012.
95. Jian Chen, Yuesheng Zhu and Xiyao Liu,“A New Block-Matching Based Approach for Automatic 2D to 3D Conversion”,The 4th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET, Page: 109-113,Thailand, 2012.
96. Yuesheng Zhu,,Xiaolei Guo, Linmin Ma, Yuexian Zou,“A Secure Support System for Electronic Patient Records”, International Symposium on InfoComm & Media Technology in Bio-Medical & Healthcare Application (2012 IS-3T-in-3A) ,Japan, 2012.
97. Weijing Huo, Yuesheng Zhu, “A Reversible Watermarking Algorithm with Error-drift Elimination in H.264/AVC Stream”, Proc. of International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet, vol.4, pp. 2893-2896, 2011.
98. Zilong He, Yuesheng Zhu, “A Fast Object Detection Method with Rotation Invariant Features”, The 11th International Conference on Signal Processing, France, pp.940-945,2011.
99. Ruili Zhou, Yuesheng Zhu,”A Robust Audio Fingerprinting Algorithm in MP3 Compressed Domain”, The 11th International Conference on Signal Processing,France, pp.711-715,2011.
100. Songtao Wu, Yuesheng Zhu, Ruikai Mai and Ziqiang Sun, “A Robust Visual Tracking Algorithm with Low-Rank Region Covariance”, The 11th International Conference on Signal Processing,France, pp.924-929, 2011.
101. Puxiao Han,Yuesheng Zhu, “Efficient Similarity Models for Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Zernike Moments”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology , pp.159-162, 2011.
102. Tingting Yu, Yuesheng Zhu, “A New Watermarking Method for Soft IP Protection”, The International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks(CECNet2011),Volume5: pp.3839-3842, 2011.
103. Wenchao Xu, Yuesheng Zhu, “A Digital Copyright Protection Scheme for Soft-IP Core Based on FSMs”, Proc. of the International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, Vol.5, pp.3823-3826, 2011.
104. Shihang Zhang, Yuesheng Zhu, Lai-man Po, “A New Depth-Aided Multidirectional Disocclusion Restoration Method for Depth-Image-Based Rendering,” The 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science (ITCS 2011), 2011.
105. Lai-man Po, Shihang Zhang, Xuyuan Xu, Yuesheng Zhu, “A new multidirectional extrapolation hole-filling method for depth-image-based rendering,” 2011 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2011),Belgium, 2011.
106. Lai-man Po, Xuyuan Xu, Yuesheng Zhu, Shihang Zhang, Kwok-Wai Cheung, Chi-Wang Ting, "Automatic 2D-to-3D Video Conversion Technique based on Depth-from-Motion and Color Segmentation," Proceeding of 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing, Vol. II, pp. 1000-1003, 2010.
107. Liwei Zhang, Yuesheng Zhu, Lai-Man Po, “A Novel Watermarking Scheme with Compensation in Bit-Stream Domain for H.264/AVC,” Proc of IEEE ICASSP-2010, Dallas, USA, pp.1758-1761.
108. Yating Wu, Waiki Wong, Shuhung Leung, Yuesheng Zhu, “A Suboptimal Modified Code Tracking Loop for Synchronous DS-CDMA Systems”, Proc of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’09-Spring), Barcelona, Apr. 2009.
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