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This brief contains details of the work you need to do BEFORE attending the course.
The deliverables from this pre-course work will be used during the classroom-based section of the course. Therefore, you need to allow yourself time to complete the deliverables if you are to take full advantage of your own participation in the course, and if you are to support the learning of the other participants, particularly the team to which you are assigned.
Aims and Objectives
The overall aim of this course is to enable you to understand the principles, skills, tools, and techniques that will enable you to succeed in your role as a consultant Project Manager.
As you progress from being a Team Leader to a Project Manager, you will need to manage all the 7 Keys of Project Management, not just a selection of them. You will take on increasing responsibility for the client relationship and the RA’s profitability for the assignment. You will have to take a more thorough view of risk and scope management. You will be dealing with stakeholders who can influence your project in positive and negative ways. You will need to manage increasing complexity – be that in the number of work streams you manage, the complexity of the deliverables, or the diversity of the team (client and RA). Above all, you will be expected to exercise increasing creativity and judgement in the approach you take to successfully completing a project.
This course will enable you to learn more about the tools and techniques in the PPM method that will be useful to you. It will also enable you to practice your new skills in a safe environment, before you are expected to practice them for real with a client.
Specifically, this course will allow you to:
• Experience the role of a Project Manager through each stage of the PPM method
• Gain an appreciation of the complexities and skill involved in juggling the 7 Keys to project management success
• Learn about and practice a number of PwC’s project management techniques that will help you in your Project Manager role



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