










Session Objectives
To understand that we are talking about Business Benefits for the client as a result of the project, but also that a “WIN - WIN” outcome is our objective

To understand that Business Benefits must be agreed between the client and the RA if they are to be successfully achieved

To understand the importance of having a process to measure and monitor the achievement of Business Benefits
Which benefit could you track & deliver?
A - Improved customer satisfaction? OR
B - Fifty percent reduction in response times to our customers’ problems?

1 - Faster processing of revenue received? OR
2 - Revenue is banked the day it is received?
Business Benefits - problems
Failure to describe appropriate benefits
Failure to align the project with desired benefits
Failure to recognize the impact of project implementation decisions on benefits
Failure to monitor and assess benefits
Business Benefits - management process
Identify benefits
Quantify (define) benefits
Plan & deliver benefits
Monitor & review benefits
…and of course, involve the client
Business Benefits - management tips
Remember “Benefits” depend on the perspective the individual / group
Make sure benefits are agreed up front by the relevant stakeholders
Do not commit to benefits that are beyond our control
Do not confuse ‘features’ with ‘benefits’
Other considerations
Corporate Social Responsibility
Health, Safety and Environment
Promoting professionalism
Skills transfer - ICE ME for the client



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